DIO is an American-Korean implant system that has been on the market since 1982 and is now the world’s third best-selling brand. Awarded by an ultramodern technology, this system offers some top developments, such as: the double conical process, which creates a vacuum during the fusion between the implant screw and the implant head, which allows for a perfect closure and does not leave room for bacteria that prefer to bite into niches. The surface coating also allows the bone tissue to grow quickly into the pores and thus provide perfect osseointegration without allowing bacteria to attach to it. In addition, DIO has great technological achievements, such as the navigated implantation, where the implant screw, implant head and crown are individually framed for the patient following the digital planning and thus also enable immediate loading of the implants.
Dio is a top brand in the standard implant segment, offering excellent technology at affordable prices. We generally recommend DIO to anyone, without concern, the loss rate at DIO is as good as 0, in cases where it comes to implant loss, the causes are not due to the material, but to negative circumstances, such as. Diabetes, sudden weight loss, or other conditions that put every implant or your own teeth to the test. Evergreen Dental has been working with the DIO system for many years and our experience is fully positive.
DIO is among the most technologically advanced implant systems, especially in the standard range, but also in general comparison. It is characterized by the latest technology, the design is relatively simple and yet extremely high quality. The surface coating, the inclination between implant screw and implant head is exceptionally good, bacterial attacks are thus almost completely excluded, which ensures longevity. Not for nothing does DIO offer a lifetime manufacturer’s warranty on material defects, and Evergreen Dental has also provided this warranty and offers it to their patients.
A DIO implant with screw and standard body element costs only 680 €*. If an abutment with screw-reatained solution should or must be used, then it costs 180 €*. Thus, the price is about one third of what a standard implant in the UK costs.
*Evergreen Dental has the right of price changing
NOBEL BIOCARE is the world’s number one implant system and belongs to the category of premium implants. Nobel Branemark was the first dental implant ever placed in the 1970’s. Its technological leadership can not be doubted. In the meantime, more and more implant heads are manufactured individually at Nobel, in the so-called Procera procedure, which enables unique solutions thanks to individual planning and production. This also affects the teeth themselves, which can be digitally planned.
Because Nobel is also the best-selling implant system in the world, it also offers worldwide support in addition to the extensive warranty. In warranty cases with Nobel Procera e.g. Nobel takes care of your care at a dentist in your area. Nobel Biocare also offers a lifetime warranty. Since Nobel Biocare is widely used all over the world, it can be assumed that accessories are available near the patient’s place of residence, which can be very advantageous if e.g. The bridge must be renewed or replaced.
NOBEL PROCERA – one of the latest achievements of Nobel Biocare is the NOBEL PROCERA CAD / CAM system. It combines scanning precision with intuitive design and state-of-the-art industrial manufacturing. With Nobel Procera you not only get the world’s best quality, but also a long-term solution with the assurance of full warranty: if you have a warranty problem with implants or crowns within five years, Nobel will promptly arrange for your dentures to be rebuilt also organizes the exchange with a Nobel Contract Dentist in your area, completely free of charge for you.
The advantages are in the world’s best quality, which is characterized by the most modern technology, the extensive support package and the very good price-performance ratio. Anyone who chooses Nobel Biocare can not go wrong. In doubtful cases (for example in case of heavy smokeing, for diabetics patients, etc.) we definitely recommend Nobel Biocare, because the chance of success is simply greatest.
All-on-4 is also a solution for fixed teeth developed by Nobel Biocare and Professor Malo from Portugal for patients with complete edentulousness and extreme bone loss. This method allows for fixed teeth even if insufficient bone is available in the posterior area to place implants. This solution provides a fixed bridge on only 4 implants. Traditional solutions require at least 6 implants, with two placed in the posterior region. If the patient does not have sufficient bone mass, then usually a so-called sinus lift must be made on both sides, ie the maxillary sinus must be filled up with bone substitute material in order to gain the necessary bone mass for implants. This procedure is in addition to the additional cost very time-consuming, since after a sinus lift at least 6 months must be passing in order to continue the treatment, so set up implants or the final bridge can be made.
In the case of the All-on-4 solution, on the other hand, there is no need to build up a bone, the implants are placed in the middle (position 2, incisor) and in the anterior area (position 5, premolar tooth) and the dental bridge is fixed with screw-reatin abutments. Thus, the treatment is significantly shorter and cheaper and the patient gets a great solution, which also, thanks to the screwed solution, is easy to clean or repairable or interchangeable.
The standard product from Nobel Biocare, an implant screw with a standard abutment element, costs just 890 €* at Evergreen Dental and is thus about two thirds cheaper than in the UK. Abutments with screw-reatin cost 300 €*. These are normally not used, but some solutions or situations require them, such as the all-on-4 solution.
*Evergreen Dental has the right of price changing.
Evergreen Dental works only with the world’s best, most technologically advanced and best-selling systems. We warmly recommend both DIO and Nobel Biocare and offer a lifetime warranty on both systems. Which of the two systems we recommend depends on the situation or depends on the planned solution. During the detailed preliminary consultation, we will advise you exactly and discuss with you all variations and their benefits.
Get a non-binding expert opinion of Evergreen Dental, get in touch with our specialist team for a free consultation or quotation!