Every treatment of periodontal illnesses starts with a very thorough dental hygienic preparation. Tartar and hardened plaque above gum surface can be removed by a dental hygienist. The buildup of hardened plaque underneath the gum is difficult to access and must be removed by a periodontist.
During this process, the subcutaneous bags around the teeth are being cleaned under local anaesthetic. This way not only the plaque will be removed but also all the infected tissue in the surrounding area. We differentiate between closed and open curettage. During closed curettage, the gum is not opened only the equipment is being inserted. When doing an open curettage the gum is being opened in order to reach the affected tissue for a better cleaning
After a curettage, a checkup is always needed 3-4 weeks later. During the checkup, the results of the curettage and the current status of the teeth are being checked in order to determine whether the treatment has to be continued. Our periodontist always gives extensive advise during every session so the patient can maintain the achieved level of dental health. Several repeats of the process might be necessary; in the worst case, up to three treatments could be needed. In case of periodontal disease, one should pursue these steps in order to achieve longterm dental health and create a good oral environment for a stable, long-term solution like dental implants.
In case the gum disease is very advanced, additional treatments might be necessary. The type of treatment varies from individual to individual and can require a number of different actions, like gum plastic surgery. We always offer an individual solution to resolve any dental problems, including periodontal issues. In case there is a periodontal problem when one would like to have dental implants, we always start with resolving the original problem. Oral hygiene has to be optimal before tooth replacement can take place, because if the foundations are not good, then we can’t build on them. If you have periodontal problems, please go and see a periodontologist as soon as possible. Our periodontists can be seen here.
Root canal treatments – if the tooth is chronically inflamed, very sensitive and can’t be saved any more but its root is strong at the same time dentists can remove the dentist removed the vital pulpa and inserts a root canal filling instead. This way the tooth can be saved even if it doesn’t stay alive.
The root canal treated tooth can also be used as a root for a crown in this cases usually a pin has to be inserted into the root canal to give additional strength to the root to be able to carry the crown. This pin is made of metal or glass fibre.
A tooth usually has 1-4 canals. The front teeth have 1 canal the molars usually have 3 canals but can even have 5 root canals.
Dentists at Evergreen Dental are usually using a microscope for the root canal treatment as it is very important that root is filled all the way. If the root canal filling is not proper leaving gaps the risk of inflammation through bacteria attack can cause big problems leading to the loss of the tooth.
It is not possible to determine how long a root canal treatment will last as it might need to be repeated several times. The reason for that is that inflamed teeth first need to get the pulpa removed then medically cleaned out very thoroughly. Depending on the situation the dentist then decides whether it can be permanently filled right away or whether it needs more rounds of cleaning before it can be permanently sealed.